About Me

In the Media:
Roxana Chirila: Cum am tradus în Română Tom Clancy's The Division 2 (article in Romanian)
Teneo Linguistic Company: March Spotlight

Super-Quick Look
I am a freelance linguist working with English and Romanian. In the last decade, I've translated over 2,000,000 words and worked with companies such as Riot Games, Ubisoft, Facebook, Google, HBO, Coca-Cola, and Tableau, to name just a few.
Some of my favorite projects in recent years include Romanian Voice-Over translation and supervision, as well as reviewing novellas and comics for League of Legends.
More recently, I was part of the translation team that handled Romanian subtitling for Tom Clancy's The Division 2.
When I'm not freelancing, I'm working on-site to lead the Romanian team that translates one of the largest messaging apps in the world.
If You Want to Know More...

My background spans three different countries - Romania, the US, and the UK - that I've lived in and frequently travel between.
My love of language was nurtured early on. By the time I was eight years old, I could already speak varying degrees of English, German, and French, in addition to Romanian. Most of my activities revolved around language classes. Around the same time, I picked up Italian and Spanish from watching TV - the foreign channels had better cartoons than the Romanian ones! By age ten, I had started finding patterns in these languges and being curious as to how and why they work the way they do.
I was able to pursue these questions in my education, particularly by attending a bilingual high school that gave me an in-depth understanding of English, as well as exposed me to native speakers. All of this eased my transition to the United States, where I moved by myself at the age of 19. There, I enrolled at the University of Georgia and dug even deeper by selecting degrees in Linguistics and French. I was able to test my skills in the English language by blending in with the American students; I had top grades in all my classes, including English, and everyone's default assumption was that I was American. Even though I made it no secret that I was, in fact, Romanian, most everyone assumed that my parents were Romanian immigrants who had moved to the US and that I grew up speaking the language natively. While at UGA, my love of language also prompted me to take classes in Yoruba and Old English.
After graduating in 2009 I stayed in the US, where I spent several with my American husband before we moved to the UK in 2015. My immediate family now spans two continents, and I do my best to keep them involved in my life. That's why I frequently travel to Romania and the US and stay up-to-date with the news and culture.
Areas of Interest
Aside from my linguistic pursuits, I am passionate about literature, technology, games, and travel. I have always written creatively in one form or another, and I am currently working on honing my skills through writing short stories and personal essays.
Diana Alsobrook / alsodiana@gmail.com / © All Rights Reserved